Nourishing Meals

The children at Valley of the Flowers School enjoy a healthy, homemade meal each day of our school week, which, like every other part of our daily and weekly rhythm, follows its own predictable pattern.

A grain of day, legume, and vegetable are the components of our simple and balanced lunch. All grains and legumes are soaked and prepared for maximum digestion, with a fresh seasonings and spices that fill the school with a wonderful aroma each morning before school begins.

Our weekly menu looks something like this:

Monday: Brown rice, served with cannelloni beans, steamed carrots, and the ever popular “soy sauce.”

Tuesday: Barley, curried lentils, and vibrant beets.

Wednesday: Millet, pinto beans with sage, and roasted sweet potatoes (we call them “yums”).

Thursday: Soup Day! The children help us prepare a big pot of “stone soup,” as we marvel over the beautiful colors each vegetable presents under its surface. Garbanzo beans, rye, and sourdough bread prepared on Bread Day accompany our meal.

Ingredients are always organic, and locally sourced whenever possible.

Our meals start and close with a “blessing on our lunch,” the lighting of a candle with a verse, and sometimes, the elves play us a little tune inside their music house.


For more information on our mealtime traditions, please enjoy the following article by Daniela Masaro. Find yourself a cup of tea, sit down, and take a moment to enjoy it!